Sheet Music for Chabad Tzemach Tzedek Niggun
This niggun originates from the chassidim of the Tzemach Tzedek of Chabad. It was originally a slow tune, but has been popularized in recent years with a fast tempo.
If you aren’t already familiar with this hit niggun or, like me, you have heard it before but couldn’t connect the name to the niggun, you can watch Beri Weber sing it here.
Download sheet music for Chabad Tzemach Tzedek Niggun
Tzemach Tzedek Niggun full notation
Tzemach Tzedek Niggun melody and chords
Im Catholic and was watching a video on the history, via maps, of Israel. During the video there was a beautiful Jewish tune. I play the organ at Church, and I thought such beautiful music would be appropriate for a communion meditation. I made a copy of Tzemah Tzedek Niggun and listened to it here. Thanks.
You’re mixing purity with with impurity please don’t use these holy Jewish nigunim in “lehavdil” your church r”l. We don’t sing or play your tunes in in our synagogues so please don’t use ours in “lehavdil” your churches…
Loren, I applaud and appreciate your experience of Jewish culture through song and your music ministry. Even canonical collections of approved Chassidic religious melodies mix in Gentile sources such Napoleonic march tunes – anyone can research these online. Less rigorous strands of Judaism are open to popular and classical sources of diverse origin. While much liturgical music brings joy and comfort through familiarity, a healthy spirit can enjoy the treasures of many cultures.
Hey How dear you! how dear you play a chassidishe nigun in a place of avoda zara. this nigun is from the rebbeim, and it has kedusha and you are playing it in a place full of klipa! so rude and disgusting of you. how could you. you didn’t even ask a rav. that is not okay.